Back to Basics Learning Dynamics works with tutors locally and across the country. Before the pandemic, much of the tutoring happened at the Back to Basics building or at a student’s house. Now, we are open for tutoring and also offer remote options. Having a tutor can be a vital tool in a student’s academic success, which is why we make sure to match the right tutor with a student based on a variety of credentials. This month, we’re highlighting one of our amazing tutors, Elise Hudson, who works with Back to Basics to make an impact in the lives of many students!
Elise was a full-time high school English teacher who retired after 32 years and made the transition to tutoring with Back to Basics in 2016. She admits that teaching is addictive and tutoring helped her ease the pain of being away from the classroom full time.
“Helping a student come to that lightbulb moment is like playing the slots and hitting the jackpot. That light bulb moment is the fix,” she says.
Because she taught English for so long, you won’t be surprised to learn that she now tutors English, but has also expanded into SAT & ACT Verbal tutoring. Elise also helps students learn the very important aspects of effective study skills and executive functioning. For high school freshmen, it’s about preparing them for the next 4 years. With high school seniors, she tries to hold them to college-level standards.
There are many aspects of tutoring that are great for this retired high school teacher who still loves teaching. She appreciates having to do less grading, and the variety of subjects, students, and schedules that are introduced. Also, by working with Back to Basics, she has the opportunity to say “yes” or “no” to any new assignments that are available. Our tutoring coordinator, Angie Carbine, creates a supportive team and will talk through any assignment with tutors before it is assigned.
Elise shared that there are many memorable moments while being a tutor because you get to help students 1-on-1 and see them grow and learn directly. She had the opportunity to work with one student from the time she was a High School freshman into her college experience.
“The longevity in getting to watch a student grow and develop over so many years is such a delight,” says Elise.
This is something you don’t get much of in a normal classroom environment. Usually, you see a student for one, maybe two years, but with tutoring, you can have the opportunity to work with them over a much longer period of time, so you get to see more of an evolution.
Elise suggests that any teacher or educator considering tutoring should try it out.
“Pondering it doesn’t let you know how wonderful it can be. Or it will tell you that it’s not your gig! Jump in with 1 student to know if you’re meant to do it & if you’ll enjoy it.”
She also suggests that if you are considering getting a tutor for your child to give it a try. So many people underestimate the influence that a good tutor can have on a child’s education, study skills, and overall confidence. She states, “The worst that could happen is no improvement, but chances are you’ll see improvements in a variety of areas – maybe even where you didn’t expect.”